Hallo sobat kali saya share sebuah tools/program untuk mempercepat pencarian DNS.
Buat aobat yang suka ganti-ganti DNS mungkin tools ini sangat cocok sobat miliki.
Dengan tools ini kita bisa mencari DNS yang cepat dan mempunyai bandwith yang masih longgar.
Tools ini compatible untuk semua jenis windows. Tidak perlu instal karna tools ini bersifat portable.
Kenapa harus pakek DNS?
Banyak yang berkata dengan memakai DNS misalnya dns Google internet kita akan lebih cepat atau stabil.
Untuk jawaban benar dan tidak silahkan anda googling karna saya sendiri jarang memakai DNS lain.
Kalau jarang kenapa pula share tools DNS?
Disini saya ingin berbagi apa yang saya miliki agar bisa dipergunakan bagi yang membutuhkan.
So jika sobat merasa tidak membutuhkan tidak perlu didownload.
Sedikit cerita nih, dulu waktu saya masih pakek modem SM internet sering melambat.
Dengan memakai DNS google atau yang lain saya merasa internet saya jadi stabil lagi.
Itu alasan kenapa saya share tools ini.
Semoga sobat senang dengan apa yang saya share disini.
DNS Benchmark Feature List:
1. Klik dua kali file hasil Download.
Akan keluar seperti gambar dibawah ini:
2. Langkah kedua
3. Ini hasil akhirnya
The Executable Environment:
>Compatible with all versions of Windows from Windows 95 through Windows 7.
>Compatible with Wine (Windows emulation) running on Linux and Macintosh.
>Hand-coded in 100% pure assembly language for highest precision and smallest size: 163 KBytes.
>Installation-free — nothing to install — just run the small executable file.
>(Won't change anything or mess up your system.)
>Lightweight (single packet), optional automatic and/or manual version checking.
>Task Scheduler-compatible for non-UI non-interactive background operation.
>Optional, automatic results logging for fully unattended operation.
>Comprehensive error return codes to support full automation.
Primary Benchmark Features:
>For each of up to 200 DNS nameservers, using the Internet's most popular top-50 domain names, independently >measures, charts, statistically analyzes, reports (and optionally exports):
>Cached lookups – the time to return a domain name that is already in the resolver's name cache.
>Uncached lookups – the time to return a sub-domain name that is not already in the resolver's name cache.
>Dotcom lookups – the time to consult the nameserver's chosen dotcom resolver(s) for a dotcom name.
>Reliability – the number of queries not replied to (lost) during the benchmark.
>Rebinding protection – whether the resolver blocks non-routable private IP addresses.
>Optionally verifies whether nameservers provide DNS security (DNSSEC) record authentication.
>When using a list of (provided) DNSSEC-signed domains, benchmarks DNSSEC authentication performance.
>Graphs and compares all four benchmark parameters with an easy-to-read bar chart.
>Builds a customized list of the fastest performing (for you) top 50 resolvers, located anywhere in the world, >selected from a master list of more than 4,800 possible known resolvers.
>On-the-fly hierarchical sorting of performance results by cached (default) or uncached performance.
(Sorting is “hierarchical” because cached (or uncached) performance is sorted first, followed by uncached (or cached), then by dotcom last.)
>Auto-scaled bar chart that can be manually overridden for chart-to-chart comparison.
>Pop-up value “inspector” (left click in nameserver list) displays precise values on bar chart.
>Detailed tabular results report.
>Fully detailed, locale-aware (internationalized), CSV results export.
>Automatic logging to a CSV file for long-term background results monitoring and collection.
>Simultaneously compares the performance and reliability of up to 200 DNS nameservers.
>Determines network name (reverse DNS), ownership, and operational status for each nameserver.
>Determines whether nameservers intercept and redirect bad domain names.
>Comprehensive, heuristic “Conclusions” generation summarizes all results and suggests useful system changes, if any, in easily readable English.
>All results are analyzed for statistical significance with a 95% confidence threshold.
>Bottom of tabular data page contains built-in quick-reference “reminder” help.
Additional Power-User & Convenience Features:
>The built-in top-50 domains list is user-replaceable to allow more/less statistical significance, and for support of DNSSEC record authentication.
>INI files containing sets and subsets of nameservers to benchmark can be added, removed, and saved.
>Special “dnsbench.ini” file is auto-loaded, if present, to always override built-in nameserver list.
(This supports the use of customizable personal nameserver lists for special applications.)
>At start-up, tests for the presence of, and deliberately “triggers”, any outbound-blocking personal firewalls to allow Internet access exceptions to be provided before testing begins.
>Internet connectivity aware – verifies unimpeded Internet connectivity before testing and gracefully handles >possible loss of Internet connectivity during testing.
>Bar chart results can be copied to the system clipboard or saved in BMP or compressed PNG format for storage or sharing.
>Built-in self-screen capture to BMP or compressed PNG file.
>All benchmark pages and tabs can be copied to the system clipboard or saved to files as text, rich-text, or images as appropriate.
Website resmi dari tools ini DISINI
Mohon maaf jika ada salah kata dalam penulisan ini.
Tidak ada niat untuk tujan lain.
Semoga tulisan ini bisa berguna dan menambah wawasan kita.
Akhir kata Salam kenal buat semua.
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